10 Solo Camping Tips For Women

coffee camping pixabay

Solo camping alone as a woman can seem like a scary idea, but in reality, there are so many advantages.

You can set your own itinerary and go wherever you want, whenever you want. You’ll also enjoy plenty of solitude to gather your thoughts and learn how to be more comfortable spending time with yourself outdoors.

Sometimes, coordinating a camping trip with a large group can become overly complicated and require a lot of planning. When you’re camping solo, there’s no need to coordinate multiple schedules and make sure everyone has all the gear that they need.

You only have to worry about yourself — what you need and want to do. Plus, you may not always find a partner to tag along on your adventures, so learning to enjoy solo camping can be quite liberating.

As a female who is a solo camper, here are some recommendations I’ve learned to stay safe and comfortable in campgrounds on my own. 

Always Let Someone Know Where You’ll Be Camping

portland road trip map

It’s always a good idea to let someone know where you’ll be camping, whether you’re camping alone or not. Let them know how long you’ll be gone and give them a call when you get back so they know you’ve arrived home safely. 

If you change your plans or decide to extend your stay, make sure to let your friends and family know so they don’t worry and call out the search party. This is especially true if you’re going to be heading into the wilderness or trail camping. 

Camp Somewhere You’re Familiar With

tent camping yellowstone koa

If it’s your first time camping alone, opt for somewhere you know well — like a spot close to home or a popular state or national park that you’ve visited before.

Even if it is a place you’ve been to a hundred times, it will look and feel differently when you’re on your own. Being familiar with the camping area can go a long way in helping you feel more confident and relaxed.

Go for a developed campsite over a more remote spot. It can be easier to sleep knowing there are families and other people close by. 

Make a Camping Gear Checklist and Be Extra Prepared 

camping gear mountain

Since there’s nobody to rely on but yourself when camping alone, you’re responsible for packing all necessary gear, planning all the meals, and making all the decisions if a problem were to arise.

Make a checklist so you don’t forget any essentials like toiletries or gear. Also, make sure you know how to use all your camping equipment before you leave home and have the right sleeping bag. 

It’s not a bad idea to test out all your gear at home before your first solo camping trip. If you’re tent camping, pitch your tent and test out your stove to make sure you can do it on your own and that everything is in working order.

Don’t forget emergency items such as a first aid kit, extra water, a headlamp, maps, and a multi-tool. The more self-reliant you can be, the better. 

This also includes checking the weather forecast to make sure you don’t run into a bad storm where you might need an extra tarp for your tent.

Befriend a Ranger or Camp Host 

Solo Camping Tips For Women

When camping alone, don’t hesitate to stop in the ranger’s office or introduce yourself to the camp host. Rangers and camp hosts can be very helpful if you have a problem — plus they are typically aware of what’s going on and around their campground and can alert you to any current threats.

On a recent solo trip to a remote part of Wyoming’s Absaroka Range, the camp host warned me of recent grizzly bear activity in the area and checked in on me daily to make sure I had returned back to my campsite safely.

Think of this as your emergency contacts list while at the campground.

RELATED: 8 First Time Solo Camping Tips

Trust Your Intuition

car solo camping

If you don’t feel good about a campground, trust your gut and find somewhere else to call it a night. If you feel like something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. The few times I’ve felt uncomfortable in a campground, I simply moved my bed from the tent to the back of my car.

I knew I would get a better night’s sleep behind the locked doors of my car or I could simply drive away if need be.  

Don’t Announce That You’re Camping Alone

Camping campground state park

Play it safe and don’t advertise to other campers that you’re traveling alone. This is a tough one since making new friends while camping is one of the perks of camping alone, so use your judgment.

If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, lie if you have to and say something like, “I have to go meet my friend,” or “My husband is just out for a hike.” — anything you can think of to make the other person believe that you are not alone.  

Consider Carrying Some Sort of Self-Defense

self defense solo camper

In order to feel safe, some solo female campers may feel better about carrying a self-defense device. This can be anything from pepper spray or bear spray to a striking stick or personal panic alarm. It could even be a firearm, whistle, or a knife. Whatever you’re comfortable with.

Having a safety device within reach can make you feel more relaxed at camp. 

I often sleep with my key fob near me in the tent. I figure if there was ever a problem in the middle of the night, my car alarm would certainly draw some attention to my campsite and perhaps chase someone away if they were up to no good. 

Avoid Tagging Your Location on Social Media 

social media location camping

Although it can be tempting to post the view from your amazing campsite at the moment, try to resist sharing your current location on social media when you are camping alone.

Refraining from updating your current whereabouts on social media adds an extra level of safety, plus waiting until your home to post photos gives you the added benefit of being more present in the current moment while camping. 

Bring Your Dog

dog camping outside

Dogs can make the best camping buddies. Not only can they provide excellent companionship, but they can offer a little bit of protection as well. Dogs can alert you of unwanted visitors and animals that wander into camp and can make you feel a little less alone at night. 

Just make sure dogs are allowed in the campground you’re headed to, and come prepared with extra gear and dog food so your dog doesn’t end up being more of a burden. 

Bring a Journal and Enjoy the Solo Time 

journal writing camping

Solo camping gives you the chance to contemplate your life’s direction or just enjoy some uninterrupted reading time. Take advantage of the solo time and laze away the day reading in your hammock or journal your heart out next to the campfire. Don’t forget your camera, you know what nature will put on display for you. 

Final Thoughts

Solo camping can be a wonderful experience and connect you more deeply not only with nature but with yourself, too. The more precautions you take, the more at ease you’ll feel. 

 So take the leap and try it out!

READ MORE: What is Glamping? Beginner’s Guide to Luxury Camping

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10 solo camping tips for women